DHI Hair Transplant
Hair loss can be caused by a variety of health issues, including poor nutrition, poor personal care, alopecia, or hormonal imbalances. Hair follicles, particularly in men, are hypersensitive to the hormone testosterone, which may result in hair loss as we age. The direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique is one of the popular methods used in recent years for the replanting of lost hair. So how is hair transplantation done in the DHI technique and what are its advantages? How is DHI Hair Transplant Applied How is DHI Hair Transplant Applied? Hair transplantation is performed in order to have a much more frequent and natural appearance since it aims to cover the hairless areas by intensifying without damaging the hair and healthy roots in the skin. The area where the procedure will be performed is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Hair follicles taken from the nape area with a micromotor device are kept in a specially prepared solution. Since the process will take 6-8 hours, this proce...